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Gallery Winners!

Each week The Photo Corner showcases the winner of the top voted photo in each category. We collect your photos through our photo submission tab so if you haven't checked it out yet, give it a whirl who knows you may end up in the next winners gallery. Voting can also be done in the voting tab on our website, become apart of the club and vote for what you think is best in our weekly cateories.

If your photo has been selected then congrats its surely a tough compeition. Now you may not earn a money prize but you do gain bragginh rights so feel to bathe and the spotlight of your achievment by posting your winning photo online with the hashtag the photo corner to help spread awarness of our website.

Selfie Sunset jellyfish

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This sight is for educational purposes only

Images Courtesy Of pixabay


JavaScript Courtesy of Mike Mcgrath on Javascript Kit

For more information, please email: Gavin